Chapter 1. DESCRIPTION AND THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0025EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURES - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0027EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURES (cont)WARNING - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0029M145 STRAIGHT TELESCOPELOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0031LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0032EQUIPMENT DATA - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0033THEORY OF OPERATION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0035THEORY OF OPERATION - ContinuedChapter 2. OPERATOR INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0037CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0039CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0040CONTROLS AND INDICATORS - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0041Windage Adjustment DialIllustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0043ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0045UnpackingIllustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0047Installing and Checking BatteryIllustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0049ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0050Illustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0051ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0052Installing M145 Straight Telescope on M249 and M240B Machine GunsASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0054ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0055ASSEMBLY AND PREPARATION FOR USE - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0056Figure 1. Maximum Field of View, Correct Eye Relief.Figure 2. Limited Field of View, Incorrect Eye Relief.The telescope must be repositioned for correct eye relief.OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0061Zeroing the M145 Straight Telescope on the M240B and M249 Machine Guns10 Meter Zeroing, Set the M145 Straight Telescope to Mechanical Zero10 Meter Zeroing, Set the M145 Straight Telescope to Mechanical Zero (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P006410 Meter Zeroing, Set the M145 Straight Telescope to Mechanical Zero (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0065Make final adjustmentsMake final adjustments (cont)10m Range ZeroingIllustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P006910m Range Zeroing (cont)Illustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0071Field Zero at 500m RangeField Zero at 500m Range (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0073Field Zero at 500m Range (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0074ReticleReticle IlluminationReticle Illumination (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0077Reticle Illumination (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0078OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0079UNUSUAL ENVIRONMENTS AND WEATHERUNUSUAL ENVIRONMENTS AND WEATHER (cont)NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL (NBC) CONTAMINATIONChapter 3. UNIT TROUBLESHOOTINGTROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0085GENERAL - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0086TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0087Table 1. Unit Troubleshooting Procedures.Table 1. Unit Troubleshooting Procedures. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0089Table 1. Unit Troubleshooting Procedures. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0090Chapter 4. DIRECT SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOTINGTROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0093GENERAL - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0094TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0095Table 1. Direct Support Troubleshooting Procedures.Chapter 5. OPERATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE M145 STRAIGHT TELESCOPELENS CLEANING PROCEDURESLENS CLEANING PROCEDURES (cont)ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGEADMINISTRATIVE STORAGE (cont)Chapter 6. UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE M145 STRAIGHT TELESCOPESERVICE UPON RECEIPT - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0105PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0107GENERAL - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0108Explanation of Columns - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0109EQUIPMENT NOT READY/AVAILABLE IF columnLUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS, PMCS PROCEDURESTable 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope.Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0113Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0114Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0115Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0116Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0117Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0118Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0119Table 1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for M145 Straight Telescope. (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0120BATTERY MAINTENANCEREPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0122REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT (cont)TESTINGBATTERY CAP O-RING MAINTENANCEINSTALLATION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0126LENS COVER MAINTENANCEREPAIR OR REPLACEMENT - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0128SIGNATURE REDUCTION DEVICE (SRD) AND LASER FILTER MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0130CLEANING - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0131INSTALLATION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0132Chapter 7. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE M145 STRAIGHT TELESCOPEMOUNT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0136INSTALLATION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0137INSTALLATION (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0138RUBBER COVER MAINTENANCEREMOVAL - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0140Illustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0141REMOVAL - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0142INSTALLATION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0143INSTALLATION - Continued - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0144TORQUE LIMITING KNOB/SHAFT MAINTENANCEDISASSEMBLY - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0146Illustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0147ASSEMBLY - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0148Illustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0149ASSEMBLY (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0150Illustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0151ASSEMBLY (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0152Illustration - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0153ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMSHow to Use the Index of Manufactured ItemsFigure 1. 3/8th Inch Special Ground Socket.Chapter 8. SUPPORTING INFORMATIONREFERENCES - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0161FIELD MANUALSTECHNICAL BULLETINSMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0166Maintenance Functions - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0167Maintenance Functions (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0168Maintenance Functions (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0169Maintenance Functions (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0170Maintenance Functions (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0171Maintenance Functions (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0172Explanation of Columns in the MAC - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0173Explanation of Columns in the MAC (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0174Explanation of Columns in the MAC (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0175Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0176Explanation of Columns in the Remarks - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0177MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0179Table 1. MAC for the M145 Straight TelescopeTable 1. MAC for the M145 Straight Telescope - ContinuedTable 2. Tools and Test Equipment for the M145 Straight Telescope.Figure 3. Remarks for M145 Straight Telescope.REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST INTRODUCTION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0185GENERAL - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0186EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE REPAIR PARTS LIST AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST WORK PACKAGES - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0187SMR CODE (Column (2)) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0188Source Code - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0189Source Code (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0190Source Code (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0191Source Code (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0192Maintenance Code - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0193Maintenance Code (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0194Fourth PositionMaintenance Code (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0196Recoverability Code - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0197Recoverability Code (cont)PART NUMBER (Column (5)) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0199DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) (Column (6) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0200EXPLANATION OF CROSS-REFERENCE INDEXES WORK PACKAGES FORMAT AND COLUMNS - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0201Part Number (P/N) Index Work PackageSPECIAL INFORMATION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0203HOW TO LOCATE REPAIR PARTS - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0204When NSN Is Known. - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0205When P/N Is Known. - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0206M145 STRAIGHT TELESCOPE WITH CASE - REPAIR PARTS LISTFigure 1. M145 Straight Telescope with CaseRepair Parts List - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0209M145 SIGHT ASSEMBLY, PN 901581-001 - REPAIR PARTS LISTFigure 2. M145 Sight AssemblyRepair Parts List - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0213BATTERY CAP ASSEMBLY - REPAIR PARTS LISTFigure 3. Battery Cap AssemblyRepair Parts List - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0217LASER FILTER ASSEMBLY/SRDFigure 4. LASER FILTER ASSEMBLY/SRDRepair Parts List - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0221MOUNT ASSEMBLY, PN 901615-001Figure 5. MOUNT ASSEMBLY, PN 901615-001Repair Parts List - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0225Repair Parts List (cont) - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0226CASE ASSEMBLY, PN 204721-001Figure 6. CASE ASSEMBLY, PN 204721-001Repair Parts List - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0229NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEX - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0231PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0233COMPONENTS OF END ITEM (COEI) AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS (BII) LISTS - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0235INTRODUCTION - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0236Explanation of Columns in the BII List - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0237Table 1. Basic Issue Items List. - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0238EXPENDABLE AND DURABLE ITEMS LIST - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0239Explanation of Columns in the Expendable/Durable Items List - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0240Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List.Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List Continued. - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0242Table 1. Expendable and Durable Items List Continued. - TM-9-1240-415-13-P0243TM-9-1240-415-13-P Telescope Straight: M145 (1240-01-411-6350) Manual