TM 9-1240-415-13&P
0013 00
Explanation of Columns
ITEM NUMBER column: Checks and services are numbered in
disassembly sequence. This column shall be used as a source of item
numbers for the "TM Number" column on DA Form 2404, Equipment
Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
INTERVAL column: This column gives the designated interval when
each check is to be performed.
MAN-HOUR column: Tells you how much time should be required for
the procedure.
ITEM TO BE CHECKED OR SERVICED column: This column lists
the items to be checked or serviced.
PROCEDURE column: This column contains a brief description of the
procedure by which the check is to be performed. It contains all the
information required to accomplish the checks and services.
0013 00-3