(2) Inspect all rubber tubing for splits, breaks,
Repair of Washer, Pump and Reservoir
Assembly 8589793
a. Removal.
Disassemble items in legend
(3) Inspect the exterior of the pump checking
the bellows for excessive wear, the outlet fitting for
b. Inspection.
damage, and the body for bent mounting feet.
(1) Inspect the cap for dents, wear, or other
c. Installation. Assemble items in reverse legend
signs of unserviceability. Inspect the seal inside the cap
for excessive wear that will cause leakage.
Section IV. REPAIR OF WIPER ASSEMBLY 6650-906-7943
(5) Check the condition of the motor wiring to
6-10. Inspection
ensure that the wires are not bare, loose, or broken.
a. General.
(6) Check the receptacle for bent or broken
(1) Note general appearance as an indication
pins and for secure mounting to the cover assembly.
of the condition of the materiel and the type of treatment
it has received.
6-11. Performance Test
(2) The equipment must be clean and free
from dirt and grit.
a. Operate the assembly to insure that the blade
(3) Refer to the Basic Issue Items List in TM
operates through a full stroke of 160 and that it zeroes
(returns to the end of the stroke) when shut off.
parts, tools and equipment.
b. Specific.
b. Check to insure that the blades do not smear or
scrape the prism.
(1) Inspect the condition of the rubber on the
c. Insure that the washer output properly disperses
wiper blade, checking for cracks, breaks, or other signs
cleaning fluid to the prism.
(2) Ensure that the wiper blade assembly is
securely mounted on the housing drive shaft.
6-12. Troubleshooting
(3) Check the spring tension of the arm
assembly to. ensure that the wiper blade is properly
Table 6-3 lists troubleshooting procedures for -wiper
pressed against the prism.
assembly 6650-906-7943. Refer to TM 9-2350-230-12
(4) Inspect the housings and cover assembly
for operator's and organizational level troubleshooting
for cracks, breaks, or other faulty conditions.
procedures for the wiper assembly.
Table 6-3. Wiper Assembly Troubleshooting
Probable cause
Corrective action
1. Wiper smears prism
Defective periscope wiper blade