TM 9-6650-212-12
Figure 11. Telescope, observation M49.
tect the telescope from shock during handling and
azimuth of the cradle and telescope, and in con-
transit. Molded letters and figures CASE TELE-
junction with a thumbscrew for limited rotation
SCOPE M164 are used on the lid of the case for
in elevation.
b. Carrying Case M42A1. The carrying case is
used for storing and transporting tripod M15.
1-5. Tabulated Data.
It is constructed of duck cotton cloth and nylon
webbing. The case is mildew, processed and
equipped with a leather strap, pads and reinforce-
ment to protect the tripod. The letters MRT and
CASE CARRYING M42A1 are stenciled on the
case for identification.
c. Telescope Case M164. The carrying case is
used to store or carry telescope M48 or M49 dur-
ing transit. It is constructed of aluminum alloy
and plastic moulding material. T h e case is
1-6. Identification Plate.
equipped with a carrying strap and a double catch
The identification plate is located on the prism
for securing the cover in closed position. A gasket
housing. The plate indicates the name of the
is cemented to the cover to provide a waterproof
equipment, part number and serial number of the
seal for the case. Cellulose rubber packs are
cemented at both interior ends of the case to pro-