TM 9-6650-212-12
Section I.
1-2. Forms, Records, and Reports.
1-1. Scope.
a. These instructions are for use by operator,
a. Authorized Forms. Department of the
crew or organization. They apply to telescope,
Army forms and procedures used for equipment
observation M 4 9 and associated equipment
maintenance will be those prescribed by TM
b. Appendix A contains a
list of current
b. Recommendations for Maintenance Manual
ences, including supply and technical manuals,
Improvements. The reporting of errors, omis-
forms and other publications applicable to the
sions, and recommendations for improving this
telescope and associated equipment.
publication by the individual user is encouraged.
Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028
items that are required for stockage by operator/
(Recommended Changes to DA Publications) and
crew maintenance.
forwarded direct to Commanding Officer, Frank-
d. Appendix C
contains the maintenance allo-
ford Arsenal, ATTN : AMSWESMF-W3100,
cation chart.
Philadelphia, Pa. 19137.
e. The procedures for administrative storage
c. Report of Accidents. The necessary reports
of equipment is contained in chapter 4, A portion
are prescribed in AR 38540.
of these procedures are in accordance with the
d. Equipment Improvement Recommendation.
requirements of TM 740-901.
Use the Equipment Improvement Recommenda-
f. The procedures for destruction of Army ma-
tion section of DA Form 2407.
teriel to prevent enemy use is contained in chap-
e. Materiel Failure Report. Failure of materiel
ter 4. A portion of these procedures are in
will be reported in accordance with TM 38-750.
accordance with the requirements of FM 5-25.
Section Il.
extends approximately three-fourths of an inch
1-3. Description of Telescope.
beyond the objective, thereby providing a perma-
nent sunshade. The telescope is furnished with
20-power telescope. It is characterized in its
an objective cover and an eyepiece cover cap (fig.
physical appearance by the offset porro-prism
11). These are screwed into place to protect the
housing which gives the telescope its' bent tube
lenses when the telescope is not in use.
b. The telescope is used for making ground
1-4. Description of Associated Equipment.
observations of a target area and effectiveness of
a. Tripod M15. The tripod is constructed of
artillery tire. Having no reticle, it has limited use.
heavy duty metal with adjustable legs and a strap
c. The basic components are the objective as-
made of duck cotton cloth and nylon webbing.
sembly, body tube, prism housing assembly, and
The telescope is strapped in position in a cradle
eyepiece assembly with focusing sleeve.
which in turn is supported on the tripod, which
d. This telescope does not have an adjustable
supports the instrument about lfoot above the
sunshade. Instead, the front end of the body tube
ground. The tripod provides for full rotation in