TM 9-6650-212-12
handle. Keep instruments under cover or in shade
returned to ordnance maintenance personnel for
whenever possible.
oiling as frequently as necessary. This will insure
proper functioning as well as prevent rusting.
2-11. Operation in Excessively Moist
b. Perspiration from the hands is a con-
or Salty Atmosphere.
tributing factor to rusting because it contains
acid. After handling, instruments should be
a. Where humidity is high, frequently inspect
wiped dry and a film of oil restored to the metal
instruments for rust. Remove any rust present
and protect the surface with alight film of oil.
c. Dust and sand will etch glass surfaces and
b. Salt air is conducive to quick rusting as the
penetrate the slightest openings, thereby causing
salt has a tendency to destroy the rust-preventive
possible damage to the interior parts and optics.
qualities of the oil. Instruments should be kept
Therefore, instruments should be kept in their
cases when not in use, and when possible, stored
quently. They should be treated in a manner
in swarm room.
d. Do not permit dust or sand to accumulate on
above for operation in hot climates or under ex-
cessively sandy or dusty conditions.
any of the operating parts.
c. Screws and pins of the tripod should be kept
e. If instruments preexposed to the direct rays
lightly oiled to prevent rusting and "freezing" in
of the sun, damage can result from excessive
heat; also metal parts will be uncomfortable to