TM 9-1240-382-34
3 -3 GENERAL. This inspection is performed on materiel
recorded before disengaging.
in the hands of troops alerted for overseas duty to
b. Inspection of Optical Elements.
ensure that such materiel will not become unserviceable
(1) Lenses and windows must be free from
or worn out in a relatively short time. It prescribes a
scratches, pits, dirt, smears, digs, fractures, and chips
higher percentage of remaining useable life in
that may interfere with or affect the optical performance
serviceable materiel to meet a specific need beyond
of the periscope.
minimum serviceability.
(2) Any breakdown or excessive discoloration
a. General Information.
of cement between elements of compound lenses that
(1) Examine the periscope to ensure that all
affects optical performance in the field is cause for
component parts are present. Check particularly for
rejection of the instrument.
missing pins, screws, and other attaching components.
(3) When looking through the periscope, there shall
(2) Check exterior for damaged, cracked, or dented
be no evidence of moisture or fungus growth.
surfaces, bent or broken parts, moisture or corrosion,
(4) When sighting through the periscope, the image
and other evidence of misuse that might indicate a need
and reticle must be clearly defined. There must be no
for repair.
indication of parallax, double vision, or aberration.
(3) Inspect all sealed portions of the periscope to
Definition, image tilt, aberration, and parallax are defined
insure that sealing is still intact.
in TM 9-258.
(4) Inspect nameplates to insure that all numbering
and lettering is clearly defined and easily read.
Inspection of Electrical Components.
(5) Inspect diopter scales to insure that they are
(1) Electrical and power materiel will be visually
clearly defined and easily read.
inspected for evidence of circuit faults or possible
(6) Inspect periscope for bare spots or damaged
sources of trouble as indicated by the conditions below.
finish which would expose metal surfaces and might lead
(a) Burned or carbonized insulation.
to corrosion.
(b) Improperly soldered connections.
(7) Test alinement and looseness of body and elbow
(c) High-voltage arcs or short circuits.
assemblies by checking latches, strikes, plunger, and
(d) Electrical contacts not making connection.
(e) Burned out incandescent lamp.
(8) Without pulling out on either of the boresight
(2) The image intensifier system will be
knobs, check that each is firmly seated against fixed
checked for evidence of the malfunctions listed below.
(a) Visible flicker.
(9) After recording setting of each boresight knob,
(b) Image movement.
disengage knob from fixed clutch and rotate knob
(c) Audible sparking.
through its complete range. Operation shall be smooth
throughout. When finished, reset knob to the position