ARMY TM 9-1240-379-34
and at light conditions that simulate dawn or
(2) Daylight body assembly. Viewing
dusk, turn shutter assembly switch ON.
through a dioptometer, rotate the diopter
Look into the eyepiece and make sure that
ring to bring the daylight body reticle into
an image is visible. If needed, rotate TUBE
best focus. The diopter scale should index
control knob clockwise from LO to HI until
zero plus or minus 1/4 diopter.
an image appears.
f. TUBE Control Knob. With tank
Attempt to position the tank
periscope connected to a power source and
periscope on as level a plane
as conditions permit. Deviation
the shutter assembly switch ON, rotate
from this level plane will affect
TUBE control knob clockwise throughout its
the mil value obtained. This
range from LO to HI while observing image
check will normally suffice for
through the eyepiece. Be sure that the light
determining parallelism of the
level increases and decreases as the TUBE
reticle and image.
control knob is turned clockwise and
counterclockwise, respectively.
d. Parallelism of Reticle and Image. Look
g. RETICLE Control Knob. With tank
target with sharp horizontal and vertical lines
periscope connected to a power source and
such as a building at a distance of 1200
the shutter assembly switch ON, rotate the
meters (3937 feet). The lines on the target
RETICLE control knob clockwise from OFF
should be parallel with the lines on the reti-
and LO to HI. The image of the reticle
should appear as you look into the eyepiece.
The image should grow brighter as you
within two mils of arc. Repeat this check
looking through eyepiece of the elbow
rotate the RETICLE control knob towards HI,
become dimmer as you return to LO, and
disappear when you turn it OFF.
Steps e thru g below pertain
h. Electrical Operation. Make sure that all
to the elbow assembly only.
electrical systems function properly and that
the electrical system of the infrared body
assembly operates properly in both modes.
e . Shutter Assembly Switch. Connect
tank periscope to a 24 V dc power source