TM 9-1240-262-34&P
-Item to be assembled at depot
m a i n t e n a n c e level.
-Crew or operator maintenance
p e r f o r m e d within organizational
- I t e m is not procured or stocked
b e c a u s e the requirements for
t h e item will result in the
r e p l a c e m e n t of the next higher
- S u p p o r t item is removed,
r e p l a c e d , used at the
organizational level.
- I t e m is not procured or
I f not available
-Support item is removed,
replaced, used at the direct
t h r o u g h salvage, requisition.
support level.
- I n s t a l l a t i o n drawing, diagram,
-Support item is removed,
instruction sheet, field
r e p l a c e d , used at the general
s e r v i c e drawing, that is
i d e n t i f i e d b y ma n u f a c t u r e r ' s
support level.
part number.
-Support items that are removed,
r e p l a c e d , used at depot, mobile
- A support item that is not
depot, or specialized repair
When required, item
activity only.
will be procured through normal
s u p p l y channels.
( b ) The maintenance code
entered in the fourth position indicates
NOTE : Cannibalization or salvage q ay
whether the item is to be repaired and
be used as a source of supply for any
i d e n t i f i e s the lowest maintenance level
items coded above except those coded
XA and aircraft support items as
w i t h the capability to perform complete
r e p a i r ( i . e . , a l l authorized maintenance
r e s t r i c t e d by AR 700-42.
This position will contain
o n e of the following maintenance codes.
( 2 ) Maintenance Code.
Maintenance codes are assigned to
i n d i c a t e the levels of maintenance
authorized to USE and REPAIR support
i t e m s . The maintenance codes are
- T h e lowest maintenance level
c a p a b l e of complete repair
e n t e r e d in the third and fourth
positions of the Uniform SMR Code
o f the support item is the
format as follows:
- T h e lowest maintenance level
c a p a b l e of complete repair
( a ) The maintenance code
entered in the third position will
o f the support item is the
direct support level.
i n d i c a t e the lowest maintenance level
a u t h o r i z e d to remove, replace, and use
t h e support item. The maintenance code
- T h e lowest maintenance level
c a p a b l e of complete repair
entered in the third position will
indicate one of the following levels
o f the support item is the
general support level.
of maintenance: