TM 9-6650-222-35
3--Plug 8589801
l-Setscrew: hdls, soc no. 6-32 NC-3A, 1/4 lg
J-Connector, plug electrical : molded 6650-908-
%--Setscrew: hdls, soc no. 6-32 NC-3A, 1/8 lg
Figure 5-6. Connector 6650-908-1983 and related parts-partial exploded view.
(5) Inspect all threaded surfaces for
damage or conditions which could
(1) Inspect the electron tube for cracks,
in any way impair proper seating of
dents, breaks. dirt and/or corrosion.
(6) Inspect retainer rings for tears, wear
(2) Inspect the contact surfaces and de-
or corrosion.
termine that they will provide good
c. Cleaning. If corrosion is present use a
electrical contact.
fine crocus cloth to clean the affected areas
(3) Inspect the cell for cracks, dents,
and areas where electrical contact is made.
breaks, dirt and/or corrosion.
d. Installation. Assemble items 3 through
(4) Inspect all lens surfaces for scratch-
es, dirt or cracks.