5-10. Replacement of Rotary Switch
(3) Assemble in sequence items 9 through 1
compound, MIL-S-11031, to the threads of item 1.
a. Removal.
(2) Unsolder connections to switch (9) and
remove switch from body assembly.
5-11. Replacement of Cap Assembly
(3) Disassemble items 10 through 13.
6650-939-7174 and Power Supplies
b. Inspection.
a. Removal.
(1) Inspect the knob for breaks and corrosion.
(2) Inspect the gasket for any breaks, damage
Note. If dry battery 6135-120-1010 is installed instead of con-
verter 1240-878-7768. the same removal procedure will apply
except that the dry battery will be removed in place of the con-
(3) Inspect the switch housing for dents,
verter. The battery (if present) should not he replaced during
breaks, and corrosion.
assembly however, since it is only an emergency measure of
(4) Check the switch shaft for alinement, dam-
power and should not replace the converter for normal opera-
aged threads, and firm, positive action.
(2) Disassemble items 7 through 10.
(5) Inspect the switch connections for breaks
b. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the outside surface of the cap for
(6) Inspect the disconnected wires for broken
dents, breaks, or corrosion.
(2) Inspect the inside of the cap for broken
(7) Inspect the nut for corrosion, damaged
threads and proper seating on the switch shaft.
(3) Inspect the insulator for breaks and cracks.
(8) Inspect the screw, washer, terminal, and
(4) Inspect the case and shield of converter
spring for breaks, cracks and corrosion.
1240-878-7768 for cracks, corrosion, or other signs
(9) Inspect the screw for damaged threads.
of deterioration.
Check the tapped hole in the body assembly for
(5) Make sure the converter fits in the shield
damaged threads or the presence of any condi-
and cap assembly without binding.
tion that could prevent proper seating of the
(6) Inspect the inside of the cap assembly for
(10) Check the spring to see that tension is
(7) Inspect the springs for breaks and adequate
adequate to make a good electrical contact against
the power supply.
(8) Inspect the large spring to be sure it makes
(11) Inspect the terminal for excess solder.
a good electrical contact with the end of the con-
c. Installation.
(1) Assemble in sequence items 13, 12, 11 and
10 (fig. 5-3) making sure that spring tension clip
(9) Inspect the case of solid state power supply
1240-077-1688 for cracks, corrosion, swelling, and
(13) makes contact with the case of solid state
power supply 1240-077-1689.
(2) Connect the wires to switch (9, fig. 5-3)
(10) Check to see that the power supply fits
properly (without binding) in the body assembly.