TM 9-6650-212-12
(2) Using a welding or cutting torch, burn
same essential parts must be destroyed on all like
the main housing, legs, cradle, adjusting screws,
materiel so that the enemy cannot construct one
and controls. Also destroy the strap by burning
complete unit from several damaged ones.
in several places. Elapsed time: about 3 minutes,
d. If destruction by demolition or gunfire is
directed, due consideration should be given to the
(3) In the absence of a welding or cutting
observance of appropriate safety precautions.
torch, place the observation telescope and tripod
on a pile of combustible. Pour gasoline or oil over
4-6. Destruction of the Telescope.
the combustible and over the observation telescope
a. Method No. 1--By Mechanical Means.
and tripod. Ignite and take cover. A hot fire is
required to render the materiel useless.
(1) Remove the observation telescope and
tripod from their carrying cases.
Caution: When igniting gasoline, due con-
(2) Using an axe, pick mattock, sledge, or
sideration should be given to the highly flammable
other heavy implement, destroy the observation
nature of gasoline and its vapor. Carelessness in
telescope and tripod by smashing the cradle, main
its use may result in painful bums.
housing, optical elements, legs, adjusting screws,
Elapsed time: About 2 minutes.
and controls. Destroy the strap by cutting it into
c. Method No. 3--Disposal. Bury the observa-
short lengths. Elapsed time: about 3 minutes.
tion telescope and tripod in a suitable hole or
b. Method No. 2--By Burning.
throw them into a stream.
(1) Remove the observation telescope and
Elapsed time: about 3 minutes
tripod from the carrying cases.