TM 9-6650-212-12
d. Repair During Administrative Storage.
have occurred. Inspect equipment in open storage
Keep equipment in an optimum state of readiness.
weekly and that in covered storage monthly.
Accomplish required services and repairs as
Immediately after any severe storm or environ-
expeditiously as possible.
mental change inspect all equipment. The follow-
ing are examples of things to look for during
e. Rotation. To assure utilization of all as-
visual inspection.
signed materiel, rotate items in accordance with
any rotational plan that will keep equipment in
an operational condition and reduce maintenance
(2) Torn, frayed, or split canvas covers and
4-4. Loading and Blocking Instructions.
(4) Missing or damaged parts.
Organizational maintenance personnel may as-
(5) Water in compartments.
sist, as required, in loading and blocking boxed
(6) Any other readily recognizable short-
equipment into boxcars and/or trucks.
comings or deficiencies.
--Includes artillery, machine
4-5. General.
guns, rifles, using rifle gre-
a. Destruction of the observation telescope M49
nades, and launchers using
when subject to capture or abandonment in the
antitank rockets. Under
combat zone, will be undertaken by the branch or
some circumstances hand
service only when, in the judgment of the unit
grenades may be used.
command concerned, such action is necessary in
-- R e q u i r e s burying in the
accordance with orders of, or policy established
ground, dumping in streams
by, the army commander.
or marshes, or scattering so
widely as to preclude re-
b. The information which follows is for guid-
covery of essential parts.
ance only. Certain portions of the procedures
In general, destruction of essential parts, followed
cendiary grenades which normally may not be
by burning will usually be sufficient to render the
authorized items of issue to the using organiza-
materiel useless. However, selection of the par-
tion. The issue of these and related materials,
ticular method of destruction requires imagina-
and the conditions under which destruction will
tion and resourcefulness in the utilization of the
be effected, are command decisions in each case,
facilities at hand under the existing conditions.
according to the tactical situation, Of the several
Time is usually critical,
means of destruction, those most generally appli-
c. If destruction to prevent enemy use is re-
cable are-
sorted to, the materiel must be so badly damaged
Mechanical --Requires axe, pick mattock,
that it cannot be restored to a usable condition in
sledge, crowbar, or similar
the combat zone either by repair or cannibaliza-
tion. Adequate destruction requires that all parts
--Requires gasoline, oil, incen-
essential to the operation of the materiel, includ-
diary grenades, or other
ing essential spare parts, be destroyed or damaged
beyond repair. However, when lack of time and
cutting torch.
personnel prevents destruction of all parts, pri-
ority is given to the destruction of those parts
most difficult to replace. Equally important, the
* Generally applicable only when the observation telescope is to be destroyed in conjunction with other equipment.