TM 9-1240-381-24&P
Section I.
4-1. Scope. This chapter contains specific in-
unless the need for disassembly has definitely been
established. .Authorized repair parts are listed and
structions for the repair, adjustment, purging, and
final inspection of Binocular M19 in direct support
and general support maintenance shops.
4-3. General Maintenance Procedures. TM 9-254
4-2. Parts Replacement. These procedures include
presents those general maintenance procedures
instructions for the disassembly of Binocular
that are most often encountered in repairing fire
eyepiece and objective assemblies. However, these
control material. These procedures are presented as
instructions are not to be construed as the
guides to maintenance personnel in performing
their duties.
authority to disassemble any pert of the binocular
Section II.
General. This section provides
a. Using the
fabricated spanner wrench (fig.
disassembly instructions for the authorized repairs
C-3, item 1), unscrew the eyepiece assembly (fig.
of Binocular
M19. Disassemble only to the extent
C-2, item 8)
from the
housing (11) or
(12). The
retaining ring of the eyepiece assembly has
required for the replacement of the designated
right --hand threads and unscrews in a counter-
faulty component or components.
4-5. `Disassemmbly Procedure.
clockwise direction.
C-3, item 2) into the
objective end housing.
`The oculars must not be disassembled
Engage the strap wrench around the objective
unless it has been definitely determined
housing and gradually apply increasing pressure in
that one of the modular assemblies
a counterclockwise direction until the objective
(eyepiece or objective) is in need of
assembly (fig. C-2, item 9) begins to unscrew from
replacement. When removing the eyepiece
the housing. Remove the strap wrench and remove
assembly from the housing, take care not
the objective assembly by hand. Inspect the ob-
to strip the threads and use the torque
jective assembly packing (fig. C-2, item 10) and, if
adapter plug to avoid possible damage to
badly worn or deteriorated, remove the packing
the objective assembly.
from the objective assembly.
Ocular disassembly is as follows.
4-6. General. This section provides inspection,
b. Repair. Do not attempt to disassemble the
cleaning, repair and assembly instructions for
eyepiece or objective assemblies for repair. These
Binocular M19 eyepiece and objective assemblies.
must be replaced as assemblies. All items which
have failed to pass the above inspections must be
4-7. Inspection.
Inspect disassembled parts for the following
4-9. Assembly.
a. Cracked or broken eyepiece or objective
When assembling the eyepiece assemblies
b. Scratched, nicked or cracked lenses.
c. Unreadable diopter scale markings.
d. Damaged or stripped screw threads.
e. Worn or deteriorated packing rings.
taken to avoid stripping the threads.
4-8. Cleaning and Repair.
Extreme care should be taken when lubricating to
a Cleaning. Refer to TM 9254 for cleaning
avoid any excess grease from contaminating the op-