C 1, TM 9-1240-318-35
reference to the first appearance of the item. Items
B-4. Special Information
authorized for use as required but not for initial stockage
are identified with an asterisk in the allowance column.
a. The following publications pertain to Telescope
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS/GS
levels of maintenance will represent initial stockage for a
TM 9-2320-224-10
30-day period for the number of equipments supported.
TM 9-2320-224-20
TM 9-2320-224-20P
(3) Determination of the total quantity of parts
required for maintenance of more than 100 of these
b. The following publications pertain to Telescope
equipments can be accomplished by converting the
equipment quantity to a decimal factor by placing a
decimal point before the next to the last digit of the
number to indicate hundredths, and multiplying the
decimal factor by the parts quantity authorized in the 51 -
100 allowance column. Example, authorized allowance
for 51 - 100 equipments is 40; for 150 equipments
multiply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
h. 1-Year Allowances Per 100 Equipments/
c. Action change codes indicated in the left hand
Contingency Planning Purposes, Column 9. This
margin of the listing page denote the following:
column indicates opposite the first appearance of each
item the total quantity required for distribution and
N - Indicates an added item not included in
contingency planning purposes. The range of items
previous publications.
indicates total quantities of all authorized items required
to provide for adequate support of 100 equipments for
C - Indicates a change in data.
one year.
F - Indicates a change in FSN only.
i. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
Equipments, Column 10. This column indicates opposite
B-5. How to Locate Repair Parts
the first appearance of each item, the total quantity
authorized for depot maintenance of 100 equipments.
a. When Federal stock number or reference
Subsequent appearances of the same item will have no
number is unknown:
entry in this column, but will have in the description
column a reference to the first appearance of the item.
(1) First. Using the table of contents/index,
determine the assembly within which the repair part
j. Illustrat ion, Column 11. This column is divided
as follows:
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering the
(1) Figure Number, Column 11a. Indicates the
assembly group to which the repair part belongs.
figure number of the illustration in which the item is
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on the
illustration and note the illustration figure and item
(2) Item Number, Column 11b. Indicates the
number of the repair part.
callout number used to reference the item in the
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing, find
the assembly group to which the repair part belongs and
locate the illustration figure and item number noted on
the illustration.