C 1, TM 9-1240-318-35
Repair Parts which are not procured or stocked.
furnished by supply on an exchange basis. When
The requirement for such items will be filled by the
items are determined by a GSU to be
next higher assembly or component.
uneconomically repairable, they will be evacuated
Repair Parts, Special Tools, and Test Equipment
to a depot for evaluation and analysis before final
which are not stocked and have no foreseen
mortality. The indicated maintenance category
Higher dollar value recoverable repair parts,
requiring such repair parts will attempt to obtain
special tools and test equipment which are subject
the parts through cannibalization or salvage, if not
to special handling and are issued on an
obtainable through cannibalization or salvage, the
exchange basis. Such items will be evacuated to
item may be requisitioned with exception data, for
the depot for overhaul or final disposition.
the end item manager, for immediate use.
Major assemblies that are procured with PEMA
Items will be repaired/overhauled only at depots.
funds for initial issue only as exchange assemblies
Repair Parts, Special Tools and Test Equipment
at DSU and GSU level. These assemblies will not
specifically selected for salvage by reclamation
be stocked above the DS and GS level or returned
units because of precious metal content, critical
to depot supply level.
materials, high dollar value or reusable casings or
Note. Cannibalization or salvage may be used as
a source of supply for any items source coded
Note. When a dash is indicated in the
above except those coded X1 and aircraft support
recoverability column, the part will be considered
items as restricted by AR 700-42.
(2) Maintenance code, indicates the lowest
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 2. This column
category of maintenance authorized to install the listed
indicates the Federal stock number assigned to the item
item. The maintenance level codes are-
and will be used for requisitioning purposes.
c. Description, Column 3. This column indicates
the Federal item name and any additional description of
Crew or Operator Maintenance
the item required. A part number or other reference
Organizational Maintenance
number is followed by the applicable five-digit Federal
Direct Support Maintenance
supply code for manufacturers in parentheses.
General Support Maintenance
Depot Maintenance
d. Unit of Issue, Column 4. This column indicates
the unit used as a basis for issue, e.g., ea, hd, etc.
(3) Recoverability code, indicates whether
unserviceable items should be returned for recovery or
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit Pack, Column 5.
salvage. Items not coded are expendable.
This column indicates the quantity of item in the
Recoverability codes are-
assembly and/or partial exploded view.
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column 6. This
column indicates the quantity of the item used in the
Applied to repair parts, (assemblies and
functional group.
components) special tools and test equipment
which are considered economically repairable at
g. 30-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowances,
direct and general support maintenance levels.
Columns 7 and 8.
When the item is no longer economically
repairable, it is normally disposed of at the GS
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
level. When supply considerations dictate, some
three subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn,
of these repair parts may be listed for automatic
opposite the first appearance of each item, is the total
return to supply for depot level repair as set forth
quantity of items authorized for the number of
in AR 710-50. When so listed, they will be
equipments supported. Subsequent appearances of the
replaced by supply on an exchange basis.
same item will have no entry in the allowance column
Repair Parts, Special Tools, Test Equipment and
but will have in the description column a
assemblies which are economically repairable at
DSU and GSU activities and which normally are