C1, TM 9-1240-318-35
collimator until the vertical centerline of the projector
3-12. Definition
commator reticle is parallel to the reticle in the
collimating telescope.
The image will be sharp and clear at the center of the
field. Definition will be checked with the aid of a
mount and secure with locking lever.
l. Sight through the telescope eyepiece. Note
whether the telescope 800 meter reticle line and center
With the objective cap removed, the line of sight through
vertical reticle line (geometric axis of reticle) are in
the geometric axis of the reticle pattern shall be parallel
coincidence with the horizontal and center vertical reticle
to the axis of the longitudinal and horizontal planes of
lines of the projector collimator; if not, aline by moving
the dovetail within 5.0 mils in azimuth and +4.0 mils in
the projector collimator holding device and if necessary
place shims under the legs of holding device until the
projector collimator reticle is in alinement with the
3-14. Parallax
telescope reticle. Ensure that the projector collimator is
not rotated during the above alignment.
Parallax shall not exceed 0.10 mil (thickness of reticle
line) when viewing a target at 1000 meters.
3-11. Eyepiece Focus
3-15. Reticle Plumb
The eyepiece setting must read between -3/4 and -1
diopter when the reticle, at the center of the field, is at
A line defined by the interrupted range line, located
sharp focus with the aid of dioptometer, 4931-536-5557,
nearest the geometric axis of the reticle pattern (800
focused at infinity.
meter range line), shall be parallel within 2.0 degrees of
arc to the image of a target line parallel to the horizontal
plane of the dovetail for telescope M120, or 1.4 mils over
Figure 3-3. Setup of testing fixture.