TM 5-6675-200-25Pk. Illustration.( 1 ) F i g u r e N u m b e r i n d i c a t e s t h e f i g u rnumber of the illustration in whichthe item is shown.(2) Item or Symbol Number indicates thecallout number used to reference theitem in the illustration.4. Special InformationT h e f o l l o w i n g p u b l i c a t i o n s p e r t a i n t o t htheodolite and its components.T M 5 - 6 6 7 5 - 2 0 0 - 1 5 O P E R A T O R , O R G AN I Z A T I O N A L,F I E L D A N D D E-P OT M A I N T E-N A N C E M A NUAL5. Instructions for Locating Repair Partsa. W h e n F e d e r a l S t o c k N u m b e r o r m a n u-fauturer’s part number is unknown.( 1)( 2)( 3)F i r s t . U s i n g t h e i n d e x o f c o n t e n t s,determine the functional group or sub-group, i.e., engine, engine assembly,transmission, transmission assembly,within which the repair part belongs.Locate the appropriate page in themanual and identify the part.S e c o n d . Locate the repair part andthe illustration figure and item num-ber as shown in the last two columnsof the repair parts listing.Third. Identify the repair part on theb. W h e n F e d e r a l S t o c k N u m b e r o r m a n ufacturer’s paint number is known.( 1)( 2)First.Use the index to locate theFederal Stock Number or manufautur-er’s part number. This index is ar-r a n g e d i n a l p h a - n u m e r i c s e q u e n ccross-referenced to page number anmanufacturer’s code.Second. Refer to the appropriate pagein the parts listing. Locate the repairpart and the illustration figure anditem number as shown in the last twocolumns of the parts listing.6 . A b b r e v i a t i o ns- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ft ---------------- foot (f*)in. -—-------------------bind (es)mtg ---------------------mounti~ (s)v-----------------------volt(s)7. Index of Federal Supply CodesweM&wf&2tllmr89906__._Heerbrugg Instruments, Inc.8. Reporting of Equipment PublicationImprovementsDA Form 2028, will be used for reportingdiscrepancies and recommendations for improv-ing this equipment publication. This form willbe completed by the individual using the manu-a l a n d f o r w a r d e d d i r e c t t o C o m m a n d i nGeneral, U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Com-m a n d , A T T N : A M S M E - M P D , 4 3 0 0 G o o dillustration.fellow BLVD., St. Louis, Mo. 63120.SECTION IIPRESCRIBED LOAD ALLOWANCE(1)moral(1)(8)*DmcriptionMA&y org nidnt dwno.(8)(b)(e)(d)1-ss-soal-so61-100PART I6196-120-1020BATTERY, DRY: 1.5V (minimum stockage of 4 is261021authorized) (80063) BA 906676-859-S936LAMPPART II*2228676-786-6210BEARING ASSEMBLY (89905) XT16-164*l*,2vi
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