TM 5-6675-200-25P
1. Scope
This manual contains a list of repair parts
and special tools, required for the performance
of organizational, direct support, general sup-
port, and depot maintenance of the theodolite.
2 . G e n e r a l
This repair parts and special tools list is di-
vided into seven principal sections.
a. Section II, Prescribed Load Allowance List
(PLA), is a consolidated listing of repair parts
quantitatively allocated for initial stockage at
the organizational level. This is a mandatory
stockage allowance.
b. Section III, Repair Parts List, is a list of
repair parts authorized for the performance of
maintenance at the organizational level.
c. Section IV, Special Tools, Test and Sup-
port Equipment List, is a list of special tools,
test and support equipment authorized for the
performance of maintenance at the organiza-
tional level.
d. Section V, Repair Parts List, is a list of
repair parts authorized for the performance of
maintenance at the direct support, general sup-
port, and depot level.
e. Section VI, Special Tools, Test and Sup-
port Equipment List, is a list of special tools,
test and support equipment authorized for the
performance of maintenance at direct support,
general support, and depot level.
f. S e c t i o n V I I , F e d e r a l s t o c k n u m b e r a n d
M a n u f a c t u r e r s P a r t n u m b e r I n d e x , i s a n
i n d e x o f F e d e r a l s t o c k n u m b e r s a n d m a n u -
f a c t u r e r s p a r t n u m b e r s t o p a g e a n d m a n u -
f a c t u r e r s c o d e s .
g. Allowances are baaed on 1,000 hours op-
eration per year.
h. Part I provides unit quantities and allow-
ances for repair parts applicable to all models.
I n d e n t e d c o m p o n e n t s a n d
a l t h o u g h c o m m o n t o m o r e t h a n o n e m o d e l ,
serial range, etc., are included in the part or
parts in which the applicable assembly appears.
Part II provides unit quantities and allow-
ances for repair parts applicable to serial num-
b e r s 6 9 7 7 8 t h r o u g h 7 0 2 7 9 , 7 0 7 8 0 t h r o u g h
70990, and 78550 through 78647.
Part III provides unit quantities and allow-
ances for repair parta applicable to serial num-
bers 82262, 82263, 82360 through 82459, 82560
through 82659 and 82677 through 82759.
3. Explanation of Columns
T h e f o l l o w i n g p r o v i d e s a n e x p l a n a t i o n o f
columns in the tabular lists.
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
c o d e s .
( 1 ) S o u r c e C o d e i n d i c a t e s t h e s e l e c t i o n
status and source for the listed item.
Source codes used are:
Applied to repair parts which are stocked
in or supplied from DSA/GSA or Army
supply system, and authorized for use
at indicated maintenance categories.
Applied to repair parta which are not
procured or stocked but are to bo manu-
factured at indicated maintenance cate-
Applied to repair parts which are not
procured or stocked, the requirement
for which will be supplied by use of the
next higher assembly or components.