C 1, TM 9-6650-221-35
(2) Inspect for wear on the hinge pin and/or
5-11. Test and Adjustment
distortion of the latching member.
a. Purging and Charging Body Assembly 1051-
c. Installation. Assemble in sequence, items 6, 5,
3599. Remove cap plug (7A fig. 5-2), plug and gasket
Note. The key numbers shown in parentheses
5-9. Repair of Valve Assembly 8201751
(1) Remove threaded protective cover from
b. Disassembly. Disassemble in legend sequence.
the valve outlet of the dry nitrogen tank (1) and
c. Inspection.
Inspect the parts of the valve
momentarily open the valve to clear foreign matter from
the valve seat.
of unserviceability.
Pay particular attention to the
(2) Check the nitrogen filling adapter (2) for
condition of the valve and insure that it operates
cleanliness and proper sealing of gasket. Attach adapter
smoothly, is free of corrosion, and the rubber seats are
to cylinder valve, and then attach helium pressure
not worn. Inspect the valve stem and cap for worn
regulator (3) to adapter.
threads or burrs on the threads.
(3) Remove cap from the low pressure port of
d. Assembly. Assemble items in reverse legend
the regulator; connect hose assembly (4) to low pressure
port of the regulator.
e. Installation. Install item 7 applying a small
(4) Rotate valve of pressure regulator fully
amount of sealing compound, MIL-S-10031, to the
counterclockwise to close regulator.
threads of the stem.
(5) Open valve of nitrogen tank slowly until
cylinder pressure is registered on high pressure gage;
Replacement of Machine Thread Plug 5365-
indication shall not be less than 100 psi.
Note. If pressure indicated is less than 100 psi,
684-4401 and Gasket 5330-683-9573
obtain and use a replacement tank.
b. Inspection. Inspect the general condition of the
(6) Slowly rotate valve of pressure regulator
gasket and the machine thread plug. Check the gasket
clockwise until approximately 5 psi is registered on the
for wear, cuts, breaks, or other signs of unserviceability
low pressure gage. Check free end of hose assembly
that would result in leakage. Inspect the threads of the
for free flow of nitrogen for approximately I/2-minute;
machine thread plug for excessive wear or burrs.
then, rotate valve of pressure regulator fully
counterclockwise to stop the flow of nitrogen.
(7) Connect free end of hose assembly to
valve of body assembly.