Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-9-6650-221-350006Figure 1-1. Periscope, tank, M47, 6650-788-5464.Figure 1-2. Periscope, tank, M47, 6650-788-5464.Figure 1-3. Periscope M47 - optical diagram.Optical Characteristics.Chapter 2. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT - TM-9-6650-221-350011Chapter 3. INSPECTION - TM-9-6650-221-350012Section III. SHOP INSPECTIONChapter 4. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-6650-221-350014Chapter 5. REPAIR - TM-9-6650-221-350015Figure 5-1. Head assembly 6650-906-7941 - exploded view.Figure 5-2. Body assembly 10513620 - exploded view.Repair of Valve Assembly 8201751Figure 5-3. Typical setup for purging and charging periscope XM47.Final Test.Chapter 6. EQUIPMENT ISSUED WITH TANK PERISCOPE XM47Figure 6-1. Equipment issued with periscope M47.Figure 6-2. Wiper assembly 6650-906-7943 - gearing diagram.Figure 6-3. Wiper assembly 6650-906-7943-wiring diagram.Figure 6-4. Wiper assembly 6650-906-7943-schematic diagram.Table 6-1. Mount Assembly TroubleshootingSection III. REPAIR OF WASHER, PUMP, AND RESERVOIR ASSEMBLY 8589793Table 6-2. Washer, Pump, and Reservoir Assembly TroubleshootingFigure 6-6. Washer, pump, and reservoir assembly 8589793 - exploded view.Section IV. REPAIR OF WIPER ASSEMBLY 6650-906-7943Table 6-3. Wiper Assembly TroubleshootingFigure 6-7. Wiper assembly 10513436 - partial exploded view.Figure 6-8. Wiper blade assembly 6650-924-5875 - exploded view.Figure 6-9. Housing assembly 8589901 - exploded view.Figure 6-10. Support assembly 105134S7 - exploded view.Figure 6-11. Housing assembly 85889875 - exploded view.Replacement of Gear Case Motor 3010-906-6317Figure 6-12. Cover assembly 10516820.Figure 6-13. Clutch assembly 10516819-exploded view.Figure 6-14. Seal assembly 6650-106-4461 - exploded view.Chapter 7. PROCESSING AND PACKAGING - TM-9-6650-221-350041Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-9-6650-221-350042Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-9-6650-221-350043Appendix B. REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSMaintenance codesHow to Locate Repair Parts - TM-9-6650-221-350046Abbreviations - TM-9-6650-221-350047Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-6650-221-350048Figure B-1. Head assembly 10513625 - exploded view.Figure B-2. Body assembly 10518620-exploded view.Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-6650-221-350051Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-9-6650-221-350052Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-9-6650-221-350053Figure B-3. Mount assembly 10513443 - exploded view.Figure B-4. Washer, pump, and reservoir assembly 8589793 - exploded view.Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-6650-221-350056Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-9-6650-221-350057Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-9-6650-221-350058Figure B-5. Wiper assembly 10549760-partial - exploded view.Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-9-6650-221-350060Figure B-6. Wiper blade assembly 10516816 - exploded view.Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-6650-221-350062Figure B-7. Housing assembly 10549752 - exploded view.Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-6650-221-350064Figure B-8. Support assembly 10549753 - exploded view.Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-6650-221-350066Figure B-9. Housing assembly 8589875 - exploded view.Figure B-10. Cover assembly 10549762 - exploded view.Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-6650-221-350069Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-9-6650-221-350070Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-9-6650-221-350071Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST (cont) - TM-9-6650-221-350072Figure B-11. Seal assembly 10549727 - exploded view.Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-6650-221-350074Figure B-12. Tools and equipment.Section IV. FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER INDEX - TM-9-6650-221-350076Section IV. FEDERAL STOCK NUMBER AND REFERENCE NUMBER INDEX (cont)TM-9-6650-221-35 Periscope Tank: XM47 (6650-788-5464) Manual