f. 15-Day Organizational Maintenance Allow-
Applies to repair parts (assemblies and com-
ponents) special tools and test equipment
which are considered economically repairable
at direct and general support maintenance
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
levels. When the item is no longer econom-
four subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn
ically repairable, it is normally disposed of at
opposite the first appearance of each item is the
the GS level. When supply considerations
total quantity of items authorized for the num-
dictate, some of these repair parts may be
ber of equipments supported. Subsequent appear-
listed for automatic return to supply for
depot level repair as set forth in AR 710-50.
ances of the same item will have the letters
When so listed, they will be replaced by sup-
"REF" in the allowance columns. Items author-
ply on an exchange basis.
ized for use as required but not for initial stock-
Repair parts, special tools and test equipment
age are identified with an asterisk in the allow-
and assemblies which are economically re-
ance column.
pairable at DSU and GSU activities and
which normally are furnished by supply on
(2) The quantitative allowances for organi-
an exchange basis. When items are de-
zational level of maintenance represents one
termined by GSU to be uneconomically re-
initial prescribed load for a 15-day period for the
pairable, they will be evacuated to a depot
number of equipments supported. Units and or-
for evaluation and analysis before final dis-
ganizations authorized additional prescribed
Higher dollar value recoverable repair parts,
loads will multiply the number of prescribed
special tools, and test equipment which are
loads authorized by the quantity of repair parts
subject to special handling and are issued
reflected in the density column applicable to the
on an exchange basis. Such items will be
number of items supported to obtain the total
evacuated to the depot for overhaul or final
quantity of repair parts authorized.
Missile Support Items will be repaired/
(3) Organizational units providing mainte-
overhauled only at depots.
nance for more than 100 of these equipments shall
Repair parts, special tools and test equipment
determine the total quantity of parts required
specifically selected for salvage by reclama-
tion units because of precious metal content,
by converting the equipment quantity to a deci-
critical materials, or high dollar value or
mal factor by placing a decimal point before the
reusable casings or castings.
next to last digit of the number to indicate hun-
Note: When no code is indicated in the
dredths, and multiplying the decimal factor by
recoverability column, the part will be con-
the parts quantity authorized in the 51-100 al-
sidered non-recoverable.
lowance column. Example, authorized allowance
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 2. This col-
for 51-100 equipments is 40; for 150 equipments
umn indicates the Federal stock number assigned
multiply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
to the item and will be used for requisitioning
g. Illustration, Column 7. This column is di-
vided as follows:
c. Description, Column 3. This column indicates
the Federal item name and any additional de-
(1) Figure Number, Column 7a. Indicates
scription of the item required. The abbreviation
the figure number of the illustration in which the
"w/e", when used as a part of the nomenclature,
item is shown.
indicates the Federal stock number includes all
(2) Item Number, Column 7b. Indicates the
armament, equipment, accessories, and repair
callout number used to reference the item in the
parts issued with the item. A part number or
other reference number is followed by the appli-
cable five-digit Federal supply code for manufac-
4. Special Information.
turers in parentheses.
Action change codes indicated in the left hand
d. Unit of Measure (U/M), Column 4. A 2
margin of the listing page denote the following:
character alphabetical abbreviation indicating the
N-Indicates an added item not included in pre-
amount or quantity of the item upon which the
allowances are based, e.g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
vious publications.
C-Indicates a change in data.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column 5.
F-Indicates a change in FSN.
This column indicates the quantity of the item
used in the assembly group. A "V" appearing in
5. How to locate Repair Parts.
this column indicates that a definite quantity can-
not be indicated. (e.g., shims, spacers, gaskets,
a. When Federal stock number or reference
number is unknown: