b. When Federal stock number or reference
i. Illustration. This column is divided as fol-
number is known:
lows :
(1) First. Using the index of Federal Stock
(1) Figure Number. Indicates the figure
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the per-
number of the illustration on which the item is
tinent Federal stock number or reference num-
her. This index is in ascending FSN sequence fol-
(2) Item. Number. Indicates the callout num-
lowed by a list of reference numbers in ascending
ber used to reference the item on the illustration.
alphameric sequence, cross-referenced to the illus-
tration figure number and item number.
4. Special Information.
(2) Second. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
a. Action change codes indicated in the left-hand
find the functional or subfunctional group of the
margin of the listing page denote the following:
repair part and the illustration figure number and
N--Indicates an added item.
item number referenced in the Index of Federal
C--Indicates a change in data.
Stock Numbers and Reference Numbers.
R--Indicates a change in FSN only.
6. Abbreviations.
b. The following publication pertains to tele-
scope mount, M110.
TM 9-1015-223-12
c. To maintain disassembly sequence in this
manual, a sequence number in parentheses will be
displayed immediately to the right of the callout
number on the illustration.
5. How to Locate Repair Parts.
a. When Federal stock number or reference
number is unknown:
(1) First. Using the table of contents deter-
mine the functional or subfunction group within
which the repair part belongs, i.e., engine, engine
assembly, transmission, transmission assembly.
This is necessary since illustrations are prepared
for functional and subfunctional groups, and list-
ings are divided into the same groups.
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering
the functional or subfunctional group to which
7. Recommendations for Maintenance Publi-
the repair part belongs.
cations Improvements
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on the
You can improve this manual by calling atten-
illustration and note the illustration figure and
tion to errors and by recommending improve-
item number of the repair part.
ments, using DA Form 2028 (Recommended
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
Changes to Publications) or by a letter, and mail-
find the functional or subfunctional group to
ing directly to Commanding Officer, Frankford
which the repair part belongs and locate the illus-
Arsenal, ATTN: AMSWE-MAF-W3100, Phila-
tration figure and item number noted on the
delphia, Pennsylvania 19137. A reply will be fur-
nished directly to you.