TM 9-1240-271-34&P
The M118 Periscope Mount is used to hold and support the M32 or M35 periscope in the M60 series
tank, and the M118E1 Periscope Mount is used for the M32E1 or M35E1 periscope. The periscope
mount is made up of three main groupings: mount, support, and cow r and shield.
MOUNT. The mount is a one-piece steel casting which fits into the tank turret. A seal forms a
weather-tight closing around the periscope.
SUPPORT. The support is a one-piece steel casting that is bolted to the lower part of the mount
within the turret. It consists of three main parts.
PLATE ASSEMBLY. The plate assembly is used as a support and clamping mechanism for
the periscope installed in the mount.
HEADREST ASSEMBLIES. The left and right headrest assemblies can be mewed for the
installation or removal of the periscope. The position of the headrest pads can also be varied.
S H I E L D OPERATING HANDLE. The shield operating handle controls the opening,
closing, and locking into position of the shield.
COVER AND SHIELD. The cover and shield give external protection for the periscope. The cover
is bolted to the exterior of the tank turret and protects the periscope from overhead blasts. The shield is
mounted within the cover and protects the entrance window of the periscope.
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